Thursday, March 8, 2007

Research Model Designs

Help! We need feedback on our two proposed research model designs...

We're getting student feedback from several classes, and faculty at the retreat (see below) gave us their feedback. Now, we want to know what you think.

Please comment on which one you like best & why. Tell us if you have any ideas for improving your preferred design (font, color, design changes etc.)
Design A

Design B


Anonymous said...

I like design A, because the information is easier to read and has interesting movement across the page. However, LIFE LONG LEARNING, seems sort of lost at the bottom. Have you tried extending the black box on the bottom and reversing the letters?

Anonymous said...

Yes, Design A, by far. It has a stronger shape, a sense of movement, and the puzzle metaphor is executed with pizazz. I like how it pops off the page, extending past the edge of the backround. Design B just seems like visual impact weren't important and photoshop skills were.

~Stevie, Graphic Design Year Two, Section One

Anonymous said...

Well I am going to mix it up a bit and say I like option B. It's an interesting visual. Seems like it would be a poster I might cross the hall to look at. The first design seems like just another clunky school poster. Chances are I would ignore it. I don't know if that black line the extends up the left side of the poster is totally necessary though?

Anonymous said...

I also prefer Design B. I like the organic flow of the poster and the way it moves your eye around the page. I think the colors are a little bland. Even just making the blue a little brighter would make the poster pop more if you're trying to keep it fairly monochromtaic. I also agree that the black line up the side is superfluous. I think that changing the font to something less rounded and more powerful would also up the poster's oomph factor. -Deron, Graphic Design Student Year One