Thursday, June 7, 2007

Retreat Follow Up = IL Action Plans

For some participants, the retreat led directly to IL action plans. For others, the event led to new partnerships and new thinking about teaching and learning.

  • Carin & Cynthia have recommended that the Distance Learning committee adopt IL as an additional requirement for distance learning course grants. The DL committee as well as proposing faculty will need support for understanding and evaluating information literacy outcomes.
  • Michael plans revisions to Humanities 105 (Intercultural Communication) - he is making structural changes to the course to improve student involvement in presentations.
  • Denise reported that ESL 096, 097, and 098 - a group is planning to get together to work on curriculum plans to coordinate the content of these three courses.
  • Nursing faculty are collaborating on an incultural communication/awareness assignment
  • Karen reported that through interaction at the retreat, nursing and ESL faculty discovered they have much to collaborate on -- and they've made plans to do so.
  • Yun suggested creating a "learning respository" -- including information literacy content -- for a given course (for example, MIC 101) to share course information among the several faculty who teach it. Angel was suggested as a useful platform for sharing information.
  • Liz reported that Science & Math faculty are planning to present on IL to their colleagues at their fall retreat. They'll brainstorm IL connections in science and math courses.
  • Nada and Karen will offer a plagiarism workshop in fall 2007.
  • Jim is revisiting his music research assignments to improve the IL component.

Friday, May 25, 2007

More Fellowships Available! We still have several grant-funded IL fellowship opportunities for faculty. The purpose of the fellowship is to teach your colleagues about IL. Grants provide $150 per facutly participant; groups are encouraged to apply. The planning and content must be developed by July 15, but your presentations may be done in fall. Contact Karen Michaelsen (x4098) ASAP if you plan to apply for a fellowship.

For example, you could…
  • Write an article about your experiences with IL
  • Develop a model curriculum component to present to collegaues
  • Develop a more general IL presentation
  • Develop training materials to accompany the research model

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Taking Action - May 11 retreat

Goals for the day:
  • Strengthen participants’ awareness of IL in their curriculum
  • Enable participants to promote IL among their colleagues by sharing its value and teaching and learning strategies
  • Prepare participants to leave retreat with an IL action plan

Defining IL: Kelley presented IL concepts and issues facing us and our students. Since some participants have been to other IL workshops while others had not, this presentation and the following activity helped to make sure that all present had a common understanding of IL. Following the presentation, small groups created a poem, song or picture to describe the information literate person. Please see Appendix 1 for descriptions of the group presentations. The PowerPoint for Kelley’s presentation is available to participants on the “IL Toolkit” CD and to others who are interested.

From Library Skills to Information Literacy: Three faculty members, Tracy Lai (history), Jim Cauter (music) and Kate Wolfe (psychology), presented their experience integrating IL into their courses. They described the experience of improving their assignments over time and collaborating with librarians to give their students a richer experience. A common thread to their stories was how IL assignments enriched their courses and teaching and developed their students’ ability to successfully find and use appropriate information.

The SCCC IL Model:
Lynn presented the graphics for the IL Model and library logo. The artwork, posters, bookmarks and other collateral have been made possible through a marketing grant from the Washington State Library. Tracy and Jim facilitated a brainstorm about how the model can be used for instruction and then groups of participants created assignments addressing different parts of the IL process “puzzle.” Selected assignments are described in Appendix 2. For the record, the instructions for this activity were not as clear as they might have been and there was some confusion over the task. If this exercise is repeated, ‘evaluation’ should be integrated in the other aspects of the IL process rather than as a separate aspect.

Plan for Action: Participants were invited to complete an IL Action Plan individually or as a member of a team. The action plans were to define one action to be taken at the personal, course, program, or institution level. Participants were actively engaged in this activity, but there was no time allowed at the end of the day for individuals and groups to tell us what their plans were. As a result we are planning a follow-up event so participants can share their plans and learn about resources and support for carrying out the plans for action.

Perfect IL Person Activity

A song:

A student went to SCCC
To see what she could see, see, see
And all that she could see, see, see
Was the big, bright world through liter’cy

Word Poems:


Willing to wonder


An IL person balancing plates full of the following qualities:
inquisitive engaged
persistent open minded
thoughtful efficient
multi-disciplinary practical

People connected to other people, books, computes, cell phones, and the world, over a birth to next-life timeline.

A person juggling books, electronic devices, and standing on a globe with the words: Information = Power Flexible Adaptable

IL Assignments Activity

Selected assignments resulting from IL Model Brainstorm

Access: Select a topic (such as Executive Order 9066) and use each of the following tools to locate resources on that topic:
- Library Catalog
- ProQuest
- Ethnic NewsWatch
- NY Times Historical
- Google or Yahoo
Describe and compare how you searched each tool and the types of resources each provides.

Strategize: Identify and evaluate scholarly secondary sources related to the experiences of WWII veterans (1945-1960).
- Assessment strategy:
o Source addresses the correct topic
o Source is or is not a scholarly secondary source
o Student can explain why they chose a certain article
o Degree of relevance

Evaluate: Select a nursing topic and find articles from and ProQuest. Compare the results and articles from the searches and address:
- Quality
- Usefulness
- Ease
Write a citation and description for each article.

Synthesize: Prepare and deliver a training model for a software application.
- Students need to know methodologies for teaching and learning
- Students practice different presentation formats

Friday, May 4, 2007

Google Books

Historians weigh in on the quality of the books scanned in Google:

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Database Workshop

SCCC Library Research Databases take up theChallenge!

Where is the most appropriate, reliable, authoritative information?

Come find out on Tuesday April 24 from 2 - 4 p.m.

Please join us for a relaxing, fun-filled, workshop in which we will take up the Google challenge to see just how well the library databases compare.

RSVP: or

Participants will:

  • Learn about library databases and what they can do for them and their students
  • Get caught up on some new and exciting tools
  • Be served yummy refreshments
  • Be awarded professional development credits

In each research database workshop we choose a different database to examine in depth so even if you have attended past sessions, there will be something new. Everyone is welcome!

Friday, March 16, 2007

IL Continuum

This continuum illustrates the different layers of information literacy instruction.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Research Model Designs

Help! We need feedback on our two proposed research model designs...

We're getting student feedback from several classes, and faculty at the retreat (see below) gave us their feedback. Now, we want to know what you think.

Please comment on which one you like best & why. Tell us if you have any ideas for improving your preferred design (font, color, design changes etc.)
Design A

Design B

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A Lovely Day for IL

February 24th was a rainy Saturday but 15 faculty, 4 librarians, and one dean gathered at the lovely Bastyr campus for collaboration and contemplation on Information Literacy.

At the end of the day, participants said,

"IL is a first step to holistic education."

"Now IL extends in my perception beyond library teaching to the entire SCCC organization."

"I am aware of the college-wide need to bring IL into the lives of our faculty colleagues and their respective students."

Next steps: Faculty will be invited to participate in IL fellowships that support efforts to engage more faculty from their programs and/or divisions.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Save the Date!

Faculty IL Retreat
Saturday February 24, 2007 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Bastyr University Birch Room 184; directions

RSVPs & More Info: Contact Kelley McHenry

Taking Action on IL


8:45 – 9:00 Arrival – coffee and pastries
9:00 – 9:30 Introductions & Goals for the Day (Kelley)
9:30 – 10:15 IL Presentation(Sharon)
10:15 – 11:30 IL Curriculum Analysis – bring syllabi, assignments (Lynn)
11:30 - 12:30 Lunch
12:30 – 1:15 Research Model Review with graphic designer Becky Dobbins (Kelley)
1:15 – 1:45 Walk & discussion
1:45 – 2:45 Force Field Analysis for IL/Developing an IL action plan (Jane)
2:45 – 3:00 Evaluations – Closing – Information on Follow-up Activities

Participants will complete the following:
  • Curriculum Analysis
  • IL Action Plan