For some participants, the retreat led directly to IL action plans. For others, the event led to new partnerships and new thinking about teaching and learning.
- Carin & Cynthia have recommended that the Distance Learning committee adopt IL as an additional requirement for distance learning course grants. The DL committee as well as proposing faculty will need support for understanding and evaluating information literacy outcomes.
- Michael plans revisions to Humanities 105 (Intercultural Communication) - he is making structural changes to the course to improve student involvement in presentations.
- Denise reported that ESL 096, 097, and 098 - a group is planning to get together to work on curriculum plans to coordinate the content of these three courses.
- Nursing faculty are collaborating on an incultural communication/awareness assignment
- Karen reported that through interaction at the retreat, nursing and ESL faculty discovered they have much to collaborate on -- and they've made plans to do so.
- Yun suggested creating a "learning respository" -- including information literacy content -- for a given course (for example, MIC 101) to share course information among the several faculty who teach it. Angel was suggested as a useful platform for sharing information.
- Liz reported that Science & Math faculty are planning to present on IL to their colleagues at their fall retreat. They'll brainstorm IL connections in science and math courses.
- Nada and Karen will offer a plagiarism workshop in fall 2007.
- Jim is revisiting his music research assignments to improve the IL component.